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Kenyan Mother Delivers Triplets, Names Them After Arsenal’s Gabriel Martinelli, Jesus & Magalhaes

Kenyan Mother Delivers Triplets, Names Them After Arsenal’s Gabriel Martinelli, Jesus & Magalhaes



A mother in Turkana county has delivered triplets and decided to name them after Arsenal’s Brazilian players Arsenal’s Gabriel Martinelli, Jesus and Magalhaes.

Arsenal’s Brazilian players Gabriel Martinelli, Gabriel Jesus, and Gabriel Magalhaes have become an integral part to the Gunners as they push for silverware this season and in Kenya, they now have newborns named after them.

This is after a woman in Turkana county delivered triplets and decided to name them Gabriel Martinelli, Gabriel Jesus, and Gabriel Magalhaes.

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Epakan Ekaale, who comes from Loreng'esinyen village of Letea Ward in Turkana West, is grappling with mixed emotions after receiving an abundance of blessings that she had least expected.

Ekaale went to Kakuma Mission Hospital to deliver last week and was shocked to learn that it would be three babies and not one as she had thought.

"I was surprised when I was told that I would give birth to more than one baby, but I thank God I delivered safely with the help of health workers," the 30-year-old, who delivered two girls and a boy told The Star.

However, what worried her most is how she would take care of her new bundle of joy as she struggles to make a living by selling charcoal while her husband is a livestock herder.

But as she was pondering this, help arrived instantly as a group of Arsenal supporters paid her a visit to the hospital, five hours after delivery, and pooled resources to purchase some essential items for the triplets.

They included baby formula, laundry detergent, bathing soap, diapers and clothing which were delivered to the new mum by the supporters, who then helped her name the triplets.

They settled on the name Gabriel and with their Arsenal connection, decided it would be Gabriel Martinelli, Gabriel Jesus, and Gabriel Magalhaes.

"We plan to provide additional support, including food supplies, and ensure regular check-ins after the mother's discharge," said Emma Nasuru, who is spearheading the supporter’s initiative.

Fans of Premier League teams in Kenya, especially Arsenal and Manchester United, have been known to come together for various causes in a bid to give back to the community.

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Source: The Star

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Mentions: Arsenal Kenyan Mother Gabriel Martinelli Gabriel Magalhaes Gabriel Jesus

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